Arjuno Welirang – Hundreds of professors, academics, students and civil society activists gathered at the University of Indonesia (UI) Salemba campus in Jakarta on Thursday February 27 to issue the "Second Salemba Call, Free Indonesia from Darkness".
Documents containing the term 'Wahyu Susilo'

Tria Sutrisna, Ihsanuddin, Jakarta – The families of activists abducted in 1997-98 are suffering from trauma after meeting with senior officials from president elect Prabowo Subianto's Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) on Sunday April 4.

Tria Sutrisna, Ihsanuddin, Jakarta – The families of activists abducted in 1997-98 have insisted that a meeting with senior officials from president elect Prabowo Subianto's Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) on Sunday April 4 was not to strengthen friendship ties nor t

Sultan Abdurrahman, Jakarta – Two elite officials from the Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) have met with activists and family members of victims of the abduction of pro-democracy activists and riots in Jakarta in 1997-98.

Dian Dewi Purnamasari, Jakarta – The civil society coalition is determined not to normalize or condone the massive violations and fraud that took place during the 2024 elections.

Jakarta – The families of the victims of forced disappearances admit that they are disappointed with President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo for reneging on a promise to resolve cases of past human rights violations.

Jakarta – Although it has received appreciation in accepting a formal test of a law for the first time in its history, the Constitutional Court (MK) has still been criticised over ruling Number 91/PUU-XVIII/2020 on a judicial review of Law Number 11/2020 on Job Creation (UU Ciptaker).

Jakarta – TVRI’s Study from Home (BdR) program produced by the Ministry of Education and Culture will air the film Let the Words Rest (Istirahatlah Kata-kata) about pro-democracy activist and poet Wiji Thukul.

Jakarta – The younger brother of missing radical street poet and labour activist Wiji Thukul, Wahyu Susilo, is urging presidential hopeful Prabowo Subianto to go to the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) and testify on the abduction and the forced disappearance of democracy activists by the Rose Team in 1997-98.

Triono Wahyu Sudibyo, Semarang – Hundreds of students in the Central Java provincial capital of Semarang held a protest action on Thursday October 20 to mark the second year of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) and Vice President Boediono’s administration.

Triono Wahyu Sudibyo, Semarang – Around 100 activists from the Volunteers of the People’s Struggle for the Liberation of the Motherland (Spartan) demonstrated in the Central Java provincial capital of Semarang on October 20 calling on President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to reject foreign intervention in his administration.

I respectfully bow my head
To all of you the victims
Because to you alone I shall bow my head
[But] to the oppressors
Never will I bow in submission
I shall always stand erect

[The following is a compilation of abridged translations of demonstrations across Indonesia against the government's fuel price increase on May 22.]
Two students in Ambon arrested for burning pictures of Yudhoyono

Jakarta – The commemoration of International Women’s Day (IWD) was marked by the accumulation of bitter gifts in the form of the soaring price of basic commodities and soybean, the bacteria infection of powdered milk products and the high cost of education and healthcare.

Triono Wahyu Sudibyo, Kudus – Thousands of people in the Central Java town of Kudus have again demonstrated against the contraction of the Muria nuclear power plant (PLTN) which they believe will endanger lives in the future.

Muhammad Nur Hayid, Jakarta – The ratification of the Draft Law on Capital Investment by the House of Representatives (DPR) is drawing opposition. The Poor People’s Network (JRM) opposes what they call a new form of colonialism and are urging the DPR not to ratify the draft into law.

Imron Rosyid, Solo – The Indonesian History Community (KSI) has condemned the decision by the Attorney General to prohibit 13 historical book titles by 10 publishers from being used as texts in primary and secondary high schools.

Windoro Adi – “We are grateful that the government has finally acknowledged our fallen son a hero of reformasi. They did not die in vain”, said Hiratetty, the mother of Elang Mulia Lesmana at a press conference at the Trisakti University campus on Monday May 8.

Adi Mawardi, Surabaya – Scores of students from a various groups in the East Java provincial capital of Surabaya held actions at the State Grahadi Building on Wednesday October 20. They were calling for a government which is clean, free from corruption, collusion and nepotism along with one which will uphold the supremacy of law.

Triono Wahyu Sudibyo, Semarang – Imitating the actions by Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Kiais [Islamic boarding school teachers] in East Java, scores of students from the Walisongo State Institute for Islamic Studies in Semarang issued an “religious edict” rejecting presidential candidates from the military and status quo forces.